Supercharging towards Distinguished Toastmaster

I wrote in a previous post that there were certain things I was unwilling to sacrifice in order to attain the target of 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo.

One of those things that I was not willing to give up was my involvement in the District 86 Toastmasters Fall Conference held in November.

I had attended a couple of District conferences before, but the 2012 Fall Conference was the first one for which I was there for the entire conference and was also the first one in which I was involved in the planning committee.

Meeting artist Dave Sopha at District 86 Toastmasters Fall Conference

Meeting artist Dave Sopha at District 86 Toastmasters Fall Conference

As District Public Relations Officer I had the opportunity to meet the Communication and Leadership Award recipient, artist Dave Sopha and introduce him at the C&L Luncheon.

One of my personal take-aways from the conference was the inspiration and motivation to supercharge my progress towards my Distinguished Toastmasters designation (DTM). I learned that I could accelerate my progress towards ACS and ACG by getting evaluations for presentations I would be doing anyways, outside my Toastmasters chapter.

At the BNI chapter I attend in Niagara Falls I was scheduled to give a ten minute presentation on the social media business I’m involved in. Evaluation!

For that same day I was asked to give a speech at the nearby Brock University Toastmasters chapter. Evaluation!

Both of these presentations came up the Wednesday after the end of the conference. Thus in less than a week after the conference I had completed two projects that count towards my ACS.

A week and a half later the District Governor asked me to give a presentation at the District Executive Council meeting. Evaluation!

By then there were two meetings left at my home Toastmasters club before our Christmas social and holiday break. I booked myself to give a speech at each of those meetings.

For the first one I did an Interpretive Reading project. I prepared several scenes out of my novel-in-progress Mission: Dawn. I greatly enjoyed sharing those scenes and introducing my characters to my audience. Evaluation!

IMG_1084For the second one I did the Off The Cuff project. I had the most anxiety around that one – how would I prepare for an Off The Cuff speech? I selected my five topics of which I would be asked to speak on one, chosen by my evaluator. As it turns out, the topic he selected was Bruce Trail. Out of the five topics I selected, that was the easiest one for me to speak on. What I had to say on that topic was practically a prepared speech. Evaluation!

And so it turns out that in less than a month since the conference I have completed five out of ten projects towards my ACS.

If I plan carefully, I think it is a realistic goal to complete DTM in 2013.

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