I knocked on her door

The only times I would see her were the occasional times that we’d pass each other in the parking lot and politely say hi.

One day I passed her by and she was cleaning her car. I thought she was conscientious and hard working.

One day I passed her by and smiled and said hi and she said hi. I thought she was cute.

One day I didn’t see her car in the parking lot for several days in a row and I didn’t see her at all. I thought she was moving out.

One day I saw her sitting in her car in the parking lot. I got out of my car slowly, timing it so that I might catch her after she got out of her car and say hi before she disappeared into her apartment.

She got out of her car. I turned to her, smiled and said hi.

She said, “I haven’t seen you here in a while.”

I said, “Funny, I was thinking the same thing about you.”

We chit chatted, made small talk, and she disappeared into her apartment.

I thought she was pretty.

One day I created an excuse to knock on her door. I grabbed a plastic container that had some leftover food out of my refrigerator. “I’ll be out of town for a few days and this food will go bad if I just leave it in my fridge. If I give it to you instead you could have it for a meal and not have to cook.” Something like that – I went over the wording in my mind a few times to build my confidence that I could say it without tripping over my words.

I took the container of food to her apartment.

I knocked on her door. I waited. She didn’t come.

I knocked on her door again. I waited some more. She didn’t come.

I knocked on her door again. I waited a bit more. She didn’t come.

I went back to my apartment with the food.

Maybe next time.

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