You say you want a resolution, well, you know

New Year's Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions (Photo credit: ianturton)

There are parts of the world where the new year has already begun, they have already crossed over into 2013.

Where I am, as I write this, it is still the last day of the year, still December 31, still 2012. We still have about half a day to go.

A popular topic at this time of year is New Year Resolutions.

I don’t believe in New Year Resolutions anymore. I do but I don’t. I believe in the idea and the purpose behind them. I believe in making changes for improvement and I believe in the process of growth. I don’t believe in the connotation that making New Year Resolutions has taken on in our culture. The connotation of failure, the mockery we make of the process. The institution of New Year Resolutions has had a poor PR campaign and in my opinion needs a rebranding.

I will not quit smoking in 2013, will not quit drinking, and will not lose weight (ha!).

I’ve never been a smoker, and stopped drinking about a decade ago. I didn’t make a New Year Resolution to quit drinking, I simply made a decision and stopped drinking. Yes, I do know what I’m missing. As for losing weight – ha!  Come meet me, look me in the eyes, and tell me I need to lose weight!

I am not setting a New Year Resolution to exercise more in 2013. Instead I have started a 15 week stair climbing program. Week 1 Day 1, today, Done! 10 flights of stairs, time 3:16, the time it took to play one song.

If I am making a New Year Resolution for anything it’s to not make any meaningless New Year Resolutions destined to fail. And I think I’ve already broken that resolution.

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10 Responses to You say you want a resolution, well, you know

  1. Pingback: You Can’t Live Life, If You Aren’t Truly Living It | Is What It is

  2. Pingback: ha ha surprises?! « Sick with Poetry.

  3. Pingback: Resolutions: Good Bye 2012 And Happy New Year! | Mirth and Motivation

  4. Pingback: Chrysalis:

  5. eof737 says:

    •.★♥★Happy New Year to You & Yours!★♥★.•

  6. Pingback: Resolutions for 2013 - Geek Ergo Sum

  7. Pingback: No New Year’s Resolutions For Me, Thanks. « Dree Speaks Freely

  8. Pingback: 2013 resolutions: part 2 (group) « more than 140 characters.

  9. Pingback: Resolutions for 2013 | Geek Ergo Sum

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